How would you define cancer?

I think that one of the problems with our perception of cancer is that we have one word for it – ‘Cancer’. We think it is one disease. In fact, it is a group of around 200 different diseases with their own sub-types. Because we think it is just one disease, people cannot understand why we do not have one ‘cure’ for it. In reality, we will need over 200 different types of treatment leading to possible cure.

Cancer is a term which comes with baggage, and I think this is a generational thing. People diagnosed with cancer 50 years ago had very few treatments options available to them. Surgery was OK but not brilliant, radiotherapy was very basic compared to what we have now, chemotherapy was pretty much seen as a ‘last chance saloon’ when everything else had failed. There was very little understanding of what cancer was as a disease.  Consequently, cancer struck the ‘fear of death’ into people. People did not discuss it and if they did so, they talked in a quiet voice. Nowadays cancer is more openly discussed, it is in the media and the younger audience are more knowledgeable about this disease than ever before. Open discussion and understanding are leading to earlier diagnosis which will save many lives and our scientific knowledge of cancer is increasing, leading to more novel targeted approaches to cancer treatment.

But still that fear exists. Some people view cancer as some evil entity which is invading the body, but in reality, these are your cells which have gone rogue, mutated and changed from years and years of damage, be that random errors in DNA replication, damage from the environment or damage caused by things that we do to ourselves’; smoking, drinking, sunbathing and so on. Such cells seem to wage  silent warfare on the body, which is relentless, even in the face of some of our treatments, engaging in stealth tactics to evade our immune system and move ‘unseen’ throughout the body to areas which house critical structures necessary for homeostasis of the human body.

A diagnosis of cancer is without doubt a frightening experience. It is life-changing in ways that unless you have been diagnosed, or had someone close who has been diagnosed, it is difficult to comprehend. Insurance, travel, mortgages, work, driving, walking, shopping, socialising and many more aspects can become daunting and difficult. The management of a person with cancer is not just about the treatment. The support mechanisms that a person with cancer has, plays a huge role in how they cope with the hard road ahead.

And for some this life-changing experience is grasped with both hands. All of a sudden life is seen as something that needs to be taken full advantage of. These people feel empowered, freed almost to do the things that they have put off; run marathons, bike for hundreds of miles, climb mountains, learn to swim, do stand-up comedy.

Not everyone will feel like this, and it’s not obligatory. It can be heart-breaking when someone close to you is diagnosed, and even more so if they die of this disease and, unfortunately, some will. But there is hope. Our understanding of cancer is becoming clearer and is leading to some fantastic treatments. And whilst we are not successful across the board there are some cancers that are very curable. Most women survive cervical cancer, certainly compared to pre-screening age. The cervical screening programme has revolutionised how we deal with cervical cancer, changing it from a disease where many women died to one where few women die (which is why it is important to attend for cervical screening). The HPV vaccination programme is already significantly reducing the numbers of women with cervical cancer and it is hoped that this will also have an impact on reducing other types of cancer associated with HPV exposure. The chemotherapy we use for Hodgkin Lymphoma is brilliant, harsh, but brilliant. Again, Hodgkin lymphoma is a disease with excellent survival prospects. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, which mainly affects children is a very curable disease in most. 80-90% of women with breast cancer will survive more than 5 years. There are lots and lots of success stories. Yes, we still struggle with lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, certain leukaemias and others, and work will continue with these to break the cycle.

In 2014 the World Health Organisation warned about a cancer epidemic. The numbers coming through our door with cancer continue to increase in all corners of the world. But there is hope. Our understanding of risk factors associated with cancer has led to very successful campaigns to educate people about what they can do to reduce their risk. As a result of campaigns like SunSmart in Australia, and those in the UK, it is expected that rates of malignant melanoma will start to fall in 15 or so years’ time. Stop smoking campaigns have seen a reduction in the numbers smoking across the UK and other countries. Certainly, in men the UK there has been a significant drop in the numbers of lung cancers as the numbers of male smokers reduce.  Many heath campaigns highlight the relationship with diet and certain cancers have led to people eating healthier with less processed meats and a higher fibre content. It is hoped that such habits will reduce the numbers of people with bowel cancer in the future.

Remember, cancer is a progressive disease. It takes years to develop. Tiny bits of damage here, tiny bits of damage there, over many years. Work will continue in finding better treatments, but, at the moment, educating our young people about the risk factors, and promoting a healthy living style is probably the best way we have of reducing the impact of cancer.



I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please share with others who might also benefit from this material.

Don’t forget that you can learn more about cancer and much more at my courses and webinars.

Understanding Cancer Treatments, Leeds – 18th April, 2019

An Introduction to Cancer, London –  21st June, 2019

Understanding Cancer Treatments – 8th August, 2019

An Introduction to Cancer – 25th October, 2019


Or join me for a webinar

“David is clearly very experienced and knowledgeable but more than this, his accessible manner and teaching approach really sets his material apart from other training.”

Joanna Oladipo, Research assistant, Hodgkin lymphoma


Feel free to comment and share.


‘till next time


David has 30 years of experience teaching about cancer. His engaging style has benefited many from the NHS, Cancer charities, Pharmaceutical companies and many others to better understand cancer as a disease. To find out more contact David ( or visit


Collaboration with The Christie Hospital

David O'Halloran is pleased to announce that he will be working closely with the Christie Hospital on various projects throughout the year.

The Christie Hospital in Manchester is a world renown cancer centre and is one of the world leading centres in cancer research and treatment. It hosts the UK’s first proton beam therapy machine and is also home to the School of Oncology which supports a whole host of cancer education and training events. David is pleased to have negotiated an agreement with the School of Oncology to support the cancer education and training events he provides throughout the UK. The first course will be the ‘Understanding Cancer Treatment’ study day to be held in Leeds on the 18th April. Book your place here.


Great Feedback

Understanding Cancer Treatment - Evaluations in

Some more amazing feedback from my recent Understanding Cancer Treatments course at the Christie. Here are some of the main points:

  • Respondents scored the Overall Organisation of the Event 98/100
  • Respondents scored the Educational Content 99/100
  • 100% of respondents said they would recommend the course to others
  • 100% rated the course facilitator (me!) as good (15%) or excellent (85%)
  • “Very thorough but not too overwhelming. David explained everything so brilliantly in terms of just taking everything back to being simple and avoiding jargon. Also applying the information to specific diagnoses and cancer types.”
  • “I highly recommended this to all colleagues. David O’Halloran’s wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm was very inspiring and well-pitched to suit the needs of the attendees from various backgrounds in an easy to understand and approachable way.”

Very pleased!

Introduction to cancer Feedback

Just look at how many attendees of the recent Introduction to Cancer course felt that their level of knowledge had increased. Very pleased with this feedback.

Important News

What's happening to the Introduction to Cancer course

Well, put simply, its foing from strenghth to strength.


Introduction to Cancer


Friday 22nd February


The study day was excellent, well presented by a very knowledgeable facilitator. He able to get information across in an easy and understandable way . David was able to pack lots of information into the day I would recommend the study day to anyone .”

“I found this study day extremely informative and beneficial even though over the last 16 years of my nursing career I have looked after patients with various cancer diagnosis this session was still informative and relevant to my clinical practice.  I feel all nurses…should have the opportunity to attend this session. The gentleman  [David] running the session made the day interesting and enjoyable.”


Happy new year, I hope 2019 will be a good one for you and your family.

1990 is the year I started as a student teacher in radiotherapy, so this year marks my 30th year in teaching about cancer. I started O’Halloran Consultancy in 2002, 17 years ago, to help those working in the cancer field to access convenient and relevant cancer education and training. There are still many people employed in cancer services without a background in cancer or even science. I have made it my aim to demystify cancer and allow everyone to know more about this disease.

Recently I had the chance to visit St Anne’s Hospice in Manchester. They invited me to run my Introduction to Cancer study day. We had a great time and learned lots about cancer. Here are some of the comments:

  • I just wanted to give you some positive feedback about the above course that I have just attended. I felt it was an excellent course and feel I have learnt so much from it.  Although I had a basic knowledge of cancer, I now know so much more on the physiology of cancer cells, the grading systems and the possible treatments.  David O’Halloran pitched the presentation at just the right level so that it was never too simple and boring nor too complicated and overwhelming. He was very knowledgeable about the subject and was able to answer everyone’s questions and didn’t mind going off on a tangent to answer queries that were raised.  I would thoroughly recommend this training to anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of cancer and its treatments and I am sure it will help me in my job in the future.
  • The study day was excellent, well presented by a very knowledgeable facilitator. He able to get information across in an easy and understandable way . David was able to pack lots of information into the day I would recommend the study day to anyone . 
  •  I found this study day extremely informative and beneficial even though over the last 16 years of my nursing career I have looked after patients with various cancer diagnosis this session was still informative and relevant to my clinical practice.  I feel all nurses at the hospice should have the opportunity to attend this session.The gentlemen running the session made the day interesting and enjoyable.

I am delighted with this feedback. Especially when I work hard to make my sessions accessible to people from all sorts of different backgrounds. Everyone attending my courses and webinars will move on in their cancer learning

Upcoming Events

Read on to find out whats coming your way

Webinars. Lots of webinars to start your year, here are some examples
Wednesday 9th – Metastasis Explained.
Monday 14th – Staging & Grading
Wednesday 16th – Breast Cancer

More webinars, but also Introduction to Cancer in Birmingham.
Monday 8th – Cancer demystified
Monday 18th – Chemotherapy explained
Wednesday 20th – Introduction to Radiotherapy
Friday 22nd – Introduction to Cancer study day, Birmingham

Even more webinar, and remember these are just a selection!
Monday 18th – Breast Cancer
Wednesday 20th – Lung Cancer

Lots more webinars and lots more courses to be had over the next year. Find out more about the webinars here and more about what courses are coming your way here

Webinar subscriptions

Webinar Subscriptions If you have several staff who would benefit from high quality & affordable cancer training, which is highly accessible and offers ultimate flexibility, then why not invest in a webinar subscription.

You can download a webinar subscription brochure here.

Benefits of a subscriptions are:

  • Staff can access the webinar anywhere.
  • Maximum flexibility throughout the year.
  • Cost effective, no travel time or overnight stays
  • delivered by an renown expert in cancer education
  • Saves TIME & MONEY and does not compromise on quality
  • Certificate of attendance for each participant making CPD tracking easier

10 signs that you need to improve your cancer knowledge

As a specialist in cancer education and training, I am a regular visitor to the Christie Hospital School of Oncology, cancer charities, NHS cancer services, cancer registries and pharmaceutical companies amongst others. I deliver cancer training to a host of individuals from a variety of roles and backgrounds: MDT coordinators, clinical coders, pharmacy technicians, occupational therapists, radiographers, medical liaison officers, data management, nurses, statisticians, clinical trials personnel, pharmaceutical employees, rehabilitation services, and many more.

Invariably, CONFIDENCE is the one thing that people take away from my study days. Of course, they learn about cancer and cancer terminology, however, more importantly, they become more confident when talking to patients, who demand that their cancer knowledge is good. They become more confident when talking to other health care professionals, interpreting reports, clinical trial protocols and reading case notes.

They build CONFIDENCE through acquiring and consolidating their cancer knowledge, and we all need to do that. There is so much to learn with Google and Wikipedia only taking you so far. It is necessary to have someone to take you through it, with useful analogies and humour. Someone who can knit all the pieces together and allow you to understand why things are the way they are.

Take a look at the list below. If you can tick even one of these, maybe all of them, then you might want to think about how you can improve your cancer knowledge and thereby improve your CONFIDENCE.

Signs that you should consolidate your cancer knowledge

  1. You think Carcinoma is a general term for cancer
  2. You think ‘in-situ’ means pre-cancerous
  3. You think ‘well differentiated’ refers to an aggressive tumour
  4. You think HER2 positivity means that only the cancer cell has HER2
  5. You think that grading refers to the size of a tumour
  6. You think that cancer is an incurable disease
  7. You think that smoking causes lung cancer
  8. You think that chemotherapy is the last chance saloon
  9. You think that immunotherapy is the cure for cancer
  10. You think that Malignant Melanoma is a fatal type of cancer


Take a look at my webinar schedule and my website to find out how I can help you and your team improve your cancer knowledge and confidence. Or you can email me at for more information.


‘til next time


Because YOUR cancer knowledge is MY priority.

A ‘short’ Introduction to Cancer

A 2 hour session outlining lots of cancer terminology. Leeds 27th July

I recently ran a brief session about cancer for a large group of MDT coordinators and cancer managers over at Salford Royal. A very short session, only 2 hours long, but we covered a lot of stuff. The session went so well that I have decided to roll it out for others.


A ‘short’ Introduction to Canceris designed to give enough information but will not take up the whole day. It is ideal for those who are new to cancer, or indeed want to consolidate and verify information they already know.


A ‘short’ Introduction to Cancer

27th July, 2018

10am – 12.30



Who should attend? Well…anyone who deals with cancer information, data and patients. It is ideal for MDT coordinators, clinical coders, clinical trial staff and cancer nurses. Those working for cancer charities will find it ideal and patient representatives will gain a lot from the session.


Early Bird tickets now available

Book your place


So please circulate amongst your contacts. And I am very happy to discuss any details further, just give me a call, 07736065811, or email me

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